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Last updated on November 8th, 2022 at 05:55 pm

From sun exposure to highlights and coloring to heat styling and all the crazy hair products we use, our hair takes a beating. Healthy hair may seem like a far fetched dream, but did you know there are a few simple things you can do on a regular basis that will improve the overall health and appearance of your hair? We have put together a list that will tell you how to improve your hair by incorporating these simple tips into your haircare routine. By following these easy tips, you will know how to improve the health of your hair and maintain it. Here are the must-do habits for healthy hair.
Outdoor Protection
When it comes to the sun, you typically think of protecting your skin, but you must also protect your hair from the same damaging UVA and UVB rays from the sun. If you are going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time, be sure to wear a hat, scarf or protect your healthy hair under the shade of an umbrella. The same goes when swimming in chlorinated water. The chemicals are damaging, and you need to protect your hair by wearing a swim cap.
Other Swimming Tips
If unable to wear a swim cap, be sure to rinse the chlorine from your hair immediately after swimming.
Brush Your Hair
Now when we say brush your hair, we aren’t talking about the 100 strokes our grandmothers did, but it is good to brush your hair every morning and night. This healthy hair tip will stimulate the blood supply to your scalp, remove dead skin cells and distribute sebum over the hair shaft for moisturizing and protection. Use a boar-bristle brush or other natural brush to get that polished look. Don’t rush or be vigorous as you don’t want to cause damage. It is better to go slow than go fast and risk breaking or pulling out your hair. Also, brush your hair thoroughly before washing it…really saves on clogged drains!
No Wash Days
Get into the habit of giving your hair a break to avoid stripping your hair of its natural oils. You do not need to wash your hair every day to have healthy hair (unless you are a teenager, have a dirty job or work up a real sweat every day). Give your hair a break from shampooing at least every other day, and whenever possible, from blow-drying and heat styling.
Massage Your Scalp
Make a point of doing a quick scalp massage, especially on those no-wash days. Slip your fingers into your hair, and using just the pads of your fingers, massage in small circular motions over your scalp. Using your finger pads will keep you from breaking your hair or scratching your scalp. Scalp massages always feel so good and will improve your hair health while providing a relaxing treat for yourself!
Conditioning Treatment
Unless you have very fine, limp hair, get into the habit of applying a deep conditioning treatment to your hair once a week as part of your haircare routine. Deep conditioners are not the same as daily conditioners, and homemade preparations work really well. Coconut oil is especially good for hair conditioning. Brush your hair, wash it lightly, and then towel dry. Apply your deep conditioner and then wrap your head in a heated towel to open the hair cuticle and allow the conditioner to soak in. Leave for 10 minutes to half an hour. Then rinse…which leads us to our next tip.
Rinse With Cool Water
Sounds uncomfortable, but it can do amazing things for the appearance of your hair. It closes the hair cuticle close to the shaft, which increases shine and manageability, and helps to keep your hair strong.
Hair Cuts
Another habit to include in your haircare routine is to get your hair trimmed regularly. This reduces split ends and keeps excess weight off your hair (which can also cause breakage). About once every 6-8 weeks is right for shoulder length or longer hair, once every 4-6 weeks for shorter styles.
Up-Dos When You Sleep (for Long Hair)
Yep, that’s right – if you have long hair and want to keep it that way – put your hair loosely up when you sleep. Avoid tight ponytails, elastics, and hair clips. Opt for silk scrunchies so not to damage your hair. One of the reasons that women grew such long beautiful hair back in the “old days” is because they wore their hair up. The weight of your hair can stimulate the start of the telogen phase. When hair is weighed down and very long, it stops growing and falls out, or simply breaks off. Putting your hair up will keep that weight off the root of the hair and maintain your healthy hair.
Silk Pillowcase
The last haircare routine is a bit of a luxurious haircare routine that most enjoy. Get your beauty sleep…on a silk pillowcase! Besides feeling like a princess, you will do less damage to your hair while you sleep. Cotton sheets are known to cause more friction resulting in hair breakage and hair frizz. Besides no bedhead, there are other skin benefits when sleeping on silk so a win-win!